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Good Design Takes Time…. and Knowledge

I was cleaning out my electronic files and stumbled across this photograph I took last summer.  It’s a close-up of the ladies room floor at the New York Mets’ Citi Field baseball stadium. Glamorous, I know.

Mets Citi Field Floor


I took the photograph because I noticed that the designers used the Mets’ logo colors for the floor.  It concealed dirt, was easy to clean and integrated with the logo colors throughout the stadium.  I frequently say “good design takes time” and it’s true.  Interior designers begin with a broad-brush structural concept and then drill down to the details — ALL the details.

When designers work on a space we scientifically address human behavioral patterns and dimensions, as well as environmental factors, ergonomics, health and safety factors, ADA compliance (American Disabilities Act), and much more.  These pieces have to fit together to create a space that not only looks good but supports the health and well-being of the occupants.

Think of the myriad of details that the designers had to determine for an entire STADIUM.  The selection of the floor was not an afterthought, but intentional.  It would have been just as easy to use an ordinary floor and even easier to let the contractor decide because, frankly, who notices a bathroom floor?  Well, I do. And many of the millions of people who visit Citi Field do as well. The photograph is a reminder that good design matters, even if you’re a Chicago Cubs fan cheering against the Mets.


 Have a well-designed day,
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