Embracing Change

At Ruxana’s Home Interiors, we have a culture that emphasizes collaboration, integrity and innovation. Though many people are afraid of change I LOVE IT! Our firm has grown tremendously in 18 years and we have been forced to pivot numerous times due to changes in the economy and, more recently, in our industry.

Menu of Services Change:

One change we made earlier this year was streamlining our Menu of Services. We did this in anticipation of a major addition coming later this summer. If you watched my Instagram video you’ll know what this is. It was supposssssed to be a secret until the official launch but I could not contain my excitement any longer.

Procurement Change:

Another change we’re making is adding a dedicated procurement specialist to our team. We are SO EXCITED! You may wonder: why do we need a procurement specialist? I once created this graphic to explain the process (and costs) associated with ordering a sofa:

Furniture manufacturing cycle

Each of these steps requires follow-up, confirmation and paperwork….lots and lots of paperwork. And YES….follow-up IS necessary because it isn’t uncommon for orders not to ship or get lost. Ask me how I know….

Now, take this process and multiply it by a ROOM full of furniture. Then, multiply that by a WHOLE HOUSE of furniture. And thattttt’s why we are adding Doreen to our team.

Andy Warhol once said, “They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” 

Have a well-designed day,

Are you furnishing or decorating your home? Add my RETAIL ROLODEX to your decorating library today! These are the same sources I trust for my clients’ projects, and now they’re at your fingertips. Whether you’re furnishing, decorating, or renovating, you’ll find everything you need, all vetted through the lens of impeccable design.
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