Last month, I flew to Texas to surprise my Dad for his birthday. Due to a delayed flight, I missed my connection. I was extremely frustrated because I was basically his birthday present! In my business, I have learned that a party, wedding, or holiday ISN’T a deadline. While I missed my Dad’s party, I surprised him the following morning and the surprise was just as fun!

This reminds me of a renovation project we took on a few years back, when I broke my own rule by allowing a party in late September to be used as our ‘deadline.’ It was a robust project that included three bathroom renovations. We encountered normal incidents that occur with any renovation project, but the VOLUME of incidents compounded and created several unavoidable delays. One week before the party, the final items on my list (glass shower doors) were installed and {ACK} the hardware for one of the doors had the wrong finish.
The vendor was apologetic and promised to expedite the correct hardware to meet our deadline — now just a few days away. Unfortunately, the hardware did not make it on the UPS truck as planned. Why? Because the Pope’s motorcade forced the road to be closed during the time that directly corresponded to the UPS pick up!
I’ll spare you the suspense, but we DID manage to get the right hardware on time. All’s well that ends well, right?
Our volume of inquiries doubles this time of year and we have plenty of time to get a guest bedroom or dining room ready, but pleasssssseee don’t tell me that you have a party planned…..
If you need a laugh here’s a great quote by Douglas Adams about arbitrary deadlines: “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”
Have a well-designed day,