In our Facebook Group, we’re hosting Countdown to the Holidays. You might be wondering why an interior designer would be hosting an event like that. Well….let me tell you! Before I opened my interior design firm, I was an event planner, and while I was in college I became a certified floral designer. It was that experience that allowed me to confidently offer our clients a Christmas decorating service: Trees with Ease. So I have A LOT of experience with planning and decorating for holidays and special events.
This holiday countdown is so much more than just Christmas. The goal is to provide you with ideas, recipes, downloadable planners, tips, tricks, and tools to get you from Halloween through New Year’s with ease. And that’s the keyword: EASE.
My goal has always been to make our client’s lives easier, and that’s the point of this holiday countdown. Here are my top Holiday Survival Tips to help you get through the holidays and not just survive but THRIVE!
Manage Your Expectations:
Remember, you don’t have to be everything to everybody. In a world that often expects us to be perfect hosts and hostesses, especially during the holiday season, it’s important to remember that it’s okay to set realistic expectations for yourself. You can’t do it all, and that’s perfectly fine. Real life isn’t a Hallmark movie.
Find Time to Recharge:
This is super important because this time of year is stressful, and there’s so much pressure put on us. If you look out the window, you’ll see that nature is cycling down, right? Days are shorter, nights are longer and in our neck of the woods, animals are getting ready to hibernate.
As we head into the holiday season, it’s vital to find moments for yourself to relax and recharge. It’s okay to take a step back, enjoy a quiet moment, or take a walk in nature. This time of year, nature itself slows down, and since we’re PART of nature, we should do the same.
Stay Hydrated:
Every medical professional in my life is reminding me that I need to drink water. Staying hydrated is crucial, especially when we turn our heaters and wood stoves on and the air gets drier. Ensure you’re drinking enough water to keep your energy levels up and your immune system strong.
Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing:
What I mean by that is you might be somebody who loves decorating. You might be somebody who loves baking. You might be somebody who loves cooking. Whatever it is that you LOVE and that fills you up, spend your time and energy doing THAT.
It’s important to prioritize what you truly enjoy during the holidays. Whether it’s decorating, baking, or any other passion, make sure to focus on what brings you joy and fulfillment.
Outsource or Delegate:
Outsource, delegate, or eliminate. Maybe it’s housekeeping. Maybe it’s cooking. If you don’t like cooking, for example, encourage friends and family to bring some of the side dishes and you can just focus on the things that matter like watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade instead of slaving in the kitchen. Plan all of this NOW.
Consider delegating tasks that you don’t enjoy or that are too time-consuming. This could include hiring housekeeping services or a Christmas decorating service. Planning can help you enjoy the holidays and when January arrives, you’ll be rested and relaxed instead of needing a vacation from your vacation!
Stay Connected:
Stay connected to the people that feel like sunlight. Everyone has special people in their life that lifts you and makes you laugh. Connect with people who bring positivity and joy to your life. Cherish moments with loved ones who make you laugh.
It’s all about enjoying the holidays and creating beautiful memories. If you have any tips to share or questions, feel free to message us.
If you’d like our Effortless Entertaining planner and more of my Holiday Survival Tips, join us in A Well-Designed Home for that download and other free resources.