Good Design Takes Time…. and Knowledge

I was cleaning out my electronic files and stumbled across this photograph I took last summer. It’s a close-up of the ladies room floor at the New York Mets’ Citi Field baseball stadium. Glamorous, I know. I took the photograph because I noticed that the designers used the Mets’ logo colors for the floor. […]
Why ‘European’ is Synonymous with Good-Quality

People frequently ask me what HGTV show(s) I watch for inspiration. I don’t. WHY not, you ask? HGTV has only one job: to entertain. My design colleagues and I are frustrated by the propagation of unrealistic budgets, free labor, bad design, absurdly short timelines, and the proliferation of the belief that ‘cheap is good’ and […]
Hiring a Designer is like Using an EZ Pass

My husband and I just returned from a quick vacation to Sea Isle City, New Jersey. We spent time relaxing and walked the beach every day. It was lovely to get away and recharge our batteries. I realized last year that we frequently travel to areas with tolls so I decided to buy an EZ […]