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Perfectly Imperfect

plaid akdo tile

I first heard of the term ‘wabi sabi’ while visiting Taiwan.  Wabi-sabi was explained to me as a deep appreciation of things that are imperfect and impermanent.  In a world seemingly filled with Instagram influencers hawking ‘perfection,’ I embrace things that are perfect in their imperfection.  Perfectly imperfect. Clients have heard me say: “Mother Nature […]

Increase the Sq Footage of your Living Space – Go Outside

Do you want to know how to increase the square footage of your living space without renovating your home?  It’s easy….go outside! Interior design and landscape design are not cousins, they’re sisters!  There are five essential steps to plan and design an outdoor living space that serves you and your family. The Japanese call the […]

Rutland, Vermont’s beautiful Post Office

vermont mural

I was born to be a designer.  Unfortunately, though, I didn’t come to that realization until AFTER I entered college as an English Lit Major.  As an English major, I read: A LOT. Most weeks I read four to six books at a time.  So, it was always a joy to read short stories.  One […]

Decorating for Clients with Asthma or Allergies

Spring allergies are here!  Since we spend a third of our lives in bed, it’s best to create a sleeping environment that supports our health and wellness. This includes minimizing pollen, dust and allergens that, unfortunately, accompany the flowers that have started to bloom in my lovely corner of Vermont. Because I have bedrooms on […]

How Covid-19 impacts the design industry

What a year this month has been, huh?  Are you tired of all the COVID-19 emails? I get it. My inbox is inundated with updates, offers and letters from CEOs. Most are trite but others are actually informative.  And this is what brings me to your inbox today: information. Since I act as my clients’ advocate, ally and partner, […]

Five Tips to Improve Sleep

We can all benefit from a good night’s sleep. It improves our productivity and overall quality of life. Sleep hygiene refers to our sleep environment and behaviors, such as creating a comfortable sleeping environment, establishing a consistent sleep schedule, and practicing relaxation techniques before bed. Power Down Research clearly shows we need to stop using electronic […]

Is Project Management important?

One of the services we offer is Master Plan Design Strategy. This means we design a space and the client will order, implement, install and manage the project as their time and budget allow. Our Turnkey Full Service Design includes project management, which we call contract administration. Though this may sound simple in concept, the implementation […]

Why a Comprehensive Interior Design Plan Saves Time and Money

Clients often hire my firm AFTER they have completed a renovation.  The issue?  Decisions were made based on ‘hypothetical’ concepts. In order to illustrate the function of the room, provide human scale and to determine where lighting and electrical should go, builders and architects often create hypothetical furniture plans as part of their blueprints. These […]

Creating a Budget for your Design Project

A few years ago, we worked on a Master Plan Design Strategy for a client. For those of you who do not know what that it is…it’s a paint by numbers design plan for clients to implement as their time and budget allow. This project was very robust and we were hired after my clients […]

The Difference Between Architects, Interior Designers and Builders

I have had the pleasure of working with preeminent builders and architects and I have great respect and admiration for the work they do. My firm works best with open-minded and collaborative professionals. Last Friday I attended a building team meeting for a project we are working on. During the meeting, the architect said that […]

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