The Importance of Trade Shows

As part of my commitment to delivering the best to my clients, I make it a point to attend at least one large national trade show and several regional ones each year. Next week, I’m headed to the Dallas Furniture & Lighting Market, and I’m excited to share why these events are so crucial for […]
Travel Inspires and Educates

If you’ve been a follower for any length of time, you will know that I love to travel. Travel is important and I consider it an imperative part of my ongoing education. Travel inspires and refills my creative reserves. More profoundly, it exposes me to fresh design concepts, new products, trending colors and it provides real-life illustration of the impact […]
Good Design Takes Time…. and Knowledge

I was cleaning out my electronic files and stumbled across this photograph I took last summer. It’s a close-up of the ladies room floor at the New York Mets’ Citi Field baseball stadium. Glamorous, I know. I took the photograph because I noticed that the designers used the Mets’ logo colors for the floor. […]
Incorporating Souvenirs into your Decor

A few years ago, while on vacation in Chile, we toured poet Pablo Neruda’s former home (now a museum). What impressed me the most about his home was that it was filled with beautiful art and sculpture. It was like walking around an art gallery. I was so inspired that I convinced my husband to […]
California Dreamin’

If you contacted our office last week, you discovered that we were away. Do they ever work, you ask? Well, fortunately (or unfortunately) we have the ability to work remotely so just because the office is closed does not mean we aren’t working. Interior design is a trinity of Business, Science and Creativity. To be […]
Why ‘European’ is Synonymous with Good-Quality

People frequently ask me what HGTV show(s) I watch for inspiration. I don’t. WHY not, you ask? HGTV has only one job: to entertain. My design colleagues and I are frustrated by the propagation of unrealistic budgets, free labor, bad design, absurdly short timelines, and the proliferation of the belief that ‘cheap is good’ and […]
Hiring a Designer is like Using an EZ Pass

My husband and I just returned from a quick vacation to Sea Isle City, New Jersey. We spent time relaxing and walked the beach every day. It was lovely to get away and recharge our batteries. I realized last year that we frequently travel to areas with tolls so I decided to buy an EZ […]